Thursday, 1 September 2016


-Also known as Diwali/Deepavali 
-celebrated by all the HINDUS around the world.
-The festival of lights extends over 5 days

  • First Day-called Dhanvantari Triodasai (Dhan Teras)
  • Second Day -called Narak Chaturdasi (fourteenth lunar day known as thiti of the dark fortnight of the month of Kartik and eve of Diwali).
  • Third Day-Actual Deepavali day (Bali Prathipada)
  • Fourth Day-Goverdhan pooja is performed
  • Fifth Day-A Day dedicated to strong bond between sisters and brothers(associated with the legendary tale between Lord Yama and his sister Yami)

-celebration fills with lights,fireworks and sweets.
-The date of Deepavali is set by a Hindu calender (usually falls in October/November).


It is an occasion in honor of Rama's victory over Ravana(Truth's victory over evil)

Lord Rama( Great King of Ayodhya) returned to his own Kingdom after 14 years of exile(in which he put the end to Demon King Ravana(King of Sri Lanka).
After killed Ravana,who abduct Seetha during the 14 year exile ,Rama returned to his own Kingdom (Ayodhya) with Seetha and Lakshman .In Ayodhya ,people welcomed them with by lighting rows of clay lamps.

The defeat of Narkasur by Lord Krishna

Lord Vishnu as Krishna in his 8th incarnation destroyed Demon Narkasura who was causing unhappiness among the people.Narkasura used to kidnap beautiful young women and force them to live with him.People prayed to Lord Vishnu ,and Lord Vishnu came in form of Krishna to destroy Narkasura.
Once Krishna defeat Narkasura ,the women were freed as well.For Hindus,this story is a reminder that GOOD always can come out of EVIL.

The story of King Mahabali and Vamana Avatar (Dwarf)

King Bali was a generous ruler,very ambitious.Lord Vishnu came to earth in the form of Vamana (dwarf) to check King Bali's power.The dwarf (Lord Vishnu) approach King Bali and said " You are the ruler of three worlds( the earth,the world above the skies and the underworld),would yo give me three steps of land,measured by my feet?" King Bali laughed. Surely a dwarf could not cover much ground,thought the King and agreed to dwarf's request.Suddenly the dwarf changed back into his original form (Lord Vishnu),and his first step covered the entire universe,in the second step he covered the earth(except the place where King Bali was standing.Since there is no place to put his third step King Bali offered his own head to put the third step. King Bali was sent to the underworld.For King Bali's generosity,Lord Vishnu grant him to be with his people once a year and lights millions of lamps to dispel the darkness and ignorance,as well spread the love and wisdom.
This day is celebrated as Bali padyami( third day of deepavali)

Krishna and the Govardhan Hill

Many years ago,people in the village known as Gokula prayed to God Indra.They believed that God Indra give rains which make the crops to grow.But Krishna stop them and persuaded the Gokula people to worship Govardhan Hill because the mountain and the land around it was fertile.This made the God Indra angry,he sent thunder and heavy rain to the village.The people cried to Krishna to help them.Krishna saved the people by lifting the mountain using his small finger.This day is a reminder for all the Hindus the importance of food and time to be thankful to the god.

Tale of Lord Yama and Yami

After several decades,Lorda Yama went to meet his sister Yami. He was so touched by the love and hospitality showed by his sister, Yami.Yami welcome his brother with full of respect and put tilak on his forehead.Lord Yama blessed her and announced that a brother who greets his sister on this day will live a long life .