Wednesday, 31 August 2016


-ancient Hindu system of medicine and healing .
-Ayurvedic medicine is to promote good health rather than fight disease.
-It has been in India for at least five thousand years and becomes popular in western culture.

-It is a simple act made by bringing together both palms of the hands infront (before) the heart or chest,and lightly bowing the head.

-Religious rituals which Hindus perform every day after bathing(before taking any food).
-Pooja is a way of relating humans to the divine(god).

-are those who devote themselves to god ,meditation and spiritual discussion.


-Applying kumkum on forehead (female) is a symbol os sanata hindu cultture and
-Kumkum in the centre of the hair is the symbol of marital status of Hindu women.
-The ring finger SHOULD be used to apply the kumkum.
-while applying kumkum to others ,middle finger SHOULD be used.
-Scientific reason behind that : while applying kumkum, the point in the mid brow region (Adnya Chakra) are automatically pressed,which facilitates blood supply to the facial muscles.

-The most important(a MUST) ritual in Hindu wedding is tying the knots(Mangalsuthra)
-it is also believed that Mangalsuthra protect the marriage from any evil eye.
-Mangalsuthra should be tied three times(three knots)
-The first knot represents bride's obedience to her husband,the second knot to his parents,and third represents her respect for the almighty.
The length of Mangalsuthra should be until the chest level(heart).

-Wearing of toe rings is a symbol for married woman and man in Hindu Religion.
-The toe rings are usualy made of silver and worn in second toe of both feet.
-The rings not be made of gold because gold holds a respected status and not be worn below the waist.
Scientific reason behind that : 
  • Wearing toe rings press on certain nerves that pertain the reproductive system,keeping it healthy.
  • Menstrual cycle is regularized,gives good scope for conceivving to married women.
  • Revitalize the reproductive organs,since the particular nerve in the second toe of feet connects the uterus and heart .
  • second toe of the feet has erotic effect.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Ramayana The Epic

Ramayana is the immortal tale Rama that teaches us the value of ideology,devotion,duty,relationships,dharma and Karma.

Written by the 4th c.Sage Valmiki .

Comprised of 7 kandas :

  • Bala Kanda - the boyhood and adolescence of Rama
  • Ayodhya Kanda- the court of Dasaratha and the scenes that set the stage for the unfolding of the story,including the exchange between Dasaratha and Kaikeyi and the exile of Rama.
  • Aranya Kanda-Life in the forest during fourteen years & the abduction of seetha

  • Kishkindhya Kanda- Rama's residence in Kishkindhya
  • Sundara Kanda-description of the landscapes over which Rama roams and the arrival of Rama in Lanka
  • Yudha Kanda - the defeat of Ravana,recovery of Seetha ,the return to Ayodhya & the coronation of Rama

  • Uttara Kanda - rama's life in Ayodhya ,birth of Lava and Kusa, reconcillation of Rama and Seetha,her death or return to earth and Rama's ascent into heaven.

Ram Navami - Rama's Birthday
  • one of the most important festivals of the Hindus
  • on this auspicious day, devotees repeat the name of Rama with every breath and vow to lead a righteous life.
  • People pray to attain the final beatitude of life through intense devotion towards Rama & invoke him for his blessings and protection

Monday, 15 August 2016

Meenaksi Amman Temple,Madurai,India

The temple is dedicated to lord Shiva (Sundareshvara) and his consort Parvathy( Meenakshi).
The original temple was built by by Kulasekara Pandiya,But the entire credit of making the temple as splendid as it is today goes to Nayaks.
the Nayaks ruled Madurai from 16th to 18th century.
There are 12 temple towers ( Gopurams) :

  1. East Tower (9 stories) - Height 161'3''
  2. South Tower (9 stories) - Height 170'6''
  3. West Tower (9 stories ) - Height 163'3''
  4. North Tower ( 9 stories )-Height 160'6''
The many mandapams or pavilions are one of the many attractions of this temple.Prominenet among them are Killi Kootu Mandapam,Aayiram Kaal Mandapam,Meenakshi Nayakan Mandapam,Ashtashakti Mandapam and etc.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Facts about Hinduism


1) The Holiest number for Hindus is 108

  • This is the ratio of sun's distance from earth/sun's diameter or Moon's distance from the earth or Moon's diameter.

2) Hinduism have no origin

  • Ayurvedic medicine taught to Chinese,Persian,Greek and Roman students .
  • Yoga a physical,mental and spiritual practice which is well spread in other countries all over the world.,

4) Hinduism as spread to many countries over the years ,especially in Bangladesh Nepal ,Myanmar ,Cambodia ,Thailand ,Malaysia , Indonesia and other South East Asian countries..


5)Hindu temples are not just architectural marvel,they are energy centers .The usage of metals and construction patterns are proven to transmit positive energy.

6) HINDUISM is not only a religion but a way of life !

Monday, 1 August 2016

Brihadeeswarar Temple

-also known as Brihadeeshwarar temple
The 1002 year old temple dedicated to the major Hindu deity, Lord Shiva, was built in 1010 AD by the Chola Emperor, Rajaraja Chola I. 
Thanjavur Periya Kovil is almost 40 times bigger than that of any known temple of its time. The magnificentVimana (temple tower) stands to a height of 216 feet (66m) and it is one among the tallest towers in the world.
The big statue of Nandhi (sacred bull), measuring about 16 feet long and 13 feet high is present at the entrance and it is made up of a single rock.